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Wasp Nest Treatment Prices

Photograph of a wasp nest in a loft from Lancashire Wasp Control

Please Note. There is a Call Out Charge of £25.00 payable for when I'm called out for what turns out to be non target species or there is no wasp nest to treat. Sorry about this, but this is very wasteful of my time.


Wasp Nest Treatment Costs

Prices vary from £45.00 to £60.00, depending on how easy the nest is to access and treat.

Wasp nests in the ground or in garden sheds etc will be £45.00.

Wasp nests under roof tiles/slates, in loft spaces, behind facias, soffit boxes, gutters or cavity walls will be £55.00. This is for where the work can be carried out using telescopic application equipment from ground level.

Any treatments that involve the use of extension ladders (excluding step ladders) will be £60.00.

Some times a job turns out to be easier than expected once I've arrived and seen the exact nest location and dismissed any likely problems that I thought I might encounter. A lower price may be offered in these circumstances.

I will always tell you the exact price of the treatment before any work commences.

Nests in extra tall or 3 storey buildings, chimneys and nests with poor access can incur extra costs depending on whether or not the nest can be treated successfully with standard telescopic application equipment and/or ladders.

The prices above are for all areas within 15 miles travelling distance of PR4 1DB.

Wasp nests requiring treatment further than 15 miles will incur a travel surcharge of .50p per mile for mileage incurred over and above 15 miles. For example: you live 20 miles from PR4 1DB, you will have an additional charge of £5.00. That is another 5 miles out and 5 miles back @ .50p per mile. Total 10 miles @ .50p = £5.00.


Any additional nests found and treated at the same time are charged at £10.00 each.

It is quite common to come across properties with two or more active nests.

No treatments are offered for Bees

I do not treat any Bumble Bee species, Honey Bees or Solitary Bees.  We need our Bees.

In some instances it may be possible to re-locate a colony of Tree Bumble Bees that have taken over a bird nesting box.


Any previous DIY attempts that have failed in treating a nest may result in additional charges if the correct treatment process now takes longer to carry out, or is likely to require a follow up treatment as a direct result of the failed DIY treatment.

Typical DIY failures examples include:

  • Blocking up of original entrance points to a hidden nest.

  • Using "Amateur Use" insecticide products designed for use on a visible nest, but used on a hidden nest. These typically include wasp foam and spray aerosols.

Prices for other Services


£40.00 --- Removal of old and previously treated wasp nests. (subject to access)

£50.00 --- Re-Homing of a Tree Bumble Bee colony, where possible and subject to availability of new nest locations. (There are limitations as to what is actually possible when it comes to collecting a Tree Bumble Bee nest)

Please ensure that payment can be made at the time of the nest treatment or removal.


A re-treatment (Call Back) for a nest that is still active a few days after the initial treatment is Free. This can happen occasionally where the nest cannot be seen and there may be many entrance holes and flight lines being used by the wasps to the actual nest. If the insects decide to stop using the routes I have treated then no insecticide will be carried back into the nest.

I do not offer any services for Cluster Flies, Hover Flies or Bees of any type.   Many people confuse these insects with wasps.


If you are unsure what species you have, please try to give me as much information as regards colour, size, numbers seen and where you think the nest might be.

I'm on WhatsApp, so you can also send a photo but please ensure it's in good focus.


Photograph of a swarm of Honey Bees taken by Lancashire Wasp Control
Copyright©2017, John Noblett, Lancashire Mole Control. All rights reserved
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